Friday, January 30, 2015

Korean Won

The name of the currency in South Korea is the Korean Won. Currently 1 USD is about 1,087 Won.

Macau Pataca

The currency in Macau is the Macanese Pataca

Hong Kong Dollar

The Hong Kong Dollar is the currency in Hong Kong.

Chinese Yuan

The name of the currency in China is the Chinese Yuan.

Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China stretches for hundreds of miles in northern China.

Imperial Palace

The Imperial Palace is where the Emperors of China ruled.

Bird's Nest Stadium

The Bird's Nest Stadium was the stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.

Movies in China

Many Chinese movies are made at Hengdian World Studios.


Many woodcarvings are made in Dongyang, China.


One of the products that China is most famous for is its silk.

a silk worm


Shanghai is one of the world's most populated cities. There are around 25 million people living there.

the famous skyline

Chinese Food

The food in China is completely different than the "Chinese food" in the US.